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A Christmas Carol

December 4, 5, & 6, 2009
Friday | 8 pm
Saturday | 2 pm, 8 pm
Sunday | 2 pm

The Academy of the New Church's production of A Christmas Carol, features a chorus-driven script in which students perform multiple character roles throughout this compelling tale by Charles Dickens. Don't waste your money putting more gold in Jim Carrey's pockets. Don't settle for computer animation that claims moments of three dimensionality. Come see Academy of the New Church's rendition of Charles Dickens's Christmas Carol with over 100 minutes of 100% 3-D action.

Watch as this all-student cast and crew transform a mere 800 square feet of stage into the city of London at the midpoint of the 19th century.

Scrooge, an elderly man of business, sits in his counting late into Christmas Eve; he is unaware of the night the spirits have in store for his tarnished soul. You’ll ooh and ah at this performance and pray that reformation is not too late for this miserly curmudgeon. A classic tale that promises to delight and rekindle the true meaning of Christmas in young and old alike.